Answers to common questions…
Do you require X-rays?
X-rays are good to have as a baseline and to visualize the condition of your spine beyond what the chiropractor can confirm during a physical examination. In this office, we do not use x-rays to determine where we will perform chiropractic adjustments, so we do not require them for all patients. If you have had any past imaging, we recommend that you provide the doctor a radiology report, regardless of whether you think it applies to your current problem or not. Typically, if you have a history of recent trauma or history of cancer or some other conditions, we may require x-rays before adjusting. That would be a decision made at the time of your evaluation.
Does the first visit include an adjustment?
We will certainly provide treatment as long as there isn’t a reason why the doctor feels that it may not be in your best interest. In most cases, we will provide treatment as part of your initial visit. Note that treatment is complementary when provided on the first visit. First visit fees are collected to cover patient intake, consultation and evaluation.
Do you allow for drop-in, unscheduled visits?
The doctor schedules one patient at a time. The good news is that this means that there is generally no waiting. The downside is that while established patient walk-ins are allowed, we do NOT recommend it since you may not be seen promptly and there is even a possibility that we may have a modified clinic schedule for that day and you might waste a trip. FWIW, you can always see the current clinic schedule online at the online booking page or you can call our scheduling desk Mon – Fri from 9am to 6pm at 916-741-2041 (choose option 1).
What are the standard clinic hours?
M-Th; 9a – 6pm with a variable 2 hour break for lunch.
**Note that if you don’t see an appointment time that meets your needs via the online booking page, please call the scheduling desk as we have access to additional time slots that may not be available online. The Scheduling Desk takes calls M-F, 9am-6pm.
Do you accept insurance as payment?
Yes, we will electronically submit claims to your insurance for medically necessary care plans as long as you have chiropractic coverage and you have authorized/requested that we submit reimbursement claims. At each office visit, any prior insurance reimbursements are applied to the full cost of the visit, after which the balance due for that visit is collected with a payment method kept on file. At any time, you may request a refund for any credit balance on account or you may leave it on account according to your preference. Note that some insurance policies (such as HMO or EPO plans, for example) do not allow non-contracted providers to submit claims. If a claim cannot be submitted, you are welcome to request a “superbill” to allow you to pursue payment independently of our office.
Do you offer discounted pricing for uninsured or under-insured patients?
While we do not contract with medical insurance carriers, we DO contract with an independent discount medical plan organization (DMPO) so that we can offer standard discounts for self-paying members of the DMPO. All services are discounted by 25% (or more) so the annual DMPO membership fee of $37 typically pays for itself in the first visit. And one membership includes the whole family (the member, spouse and children to age 26) for the one low annual fee . DMPO Membership is even available to those with insurance, since, occasionally, an insured patient’s policy has such a high deductible or steep copayment / coinsurance requirements that patients opt not to use their insurance. The DMPO plan can also be used to access lower fees for supportive, wellness or “maintenance” care that typically allows for regular, less frequent visits. And, yes, you can pay for any or all of your care expense in the office using a health savings account (HSA).